7 Nigerian Foods You Should Know About

Posted on: 10 November 2020

If you want to expand your culinary horizons, you should consider trying out some various Nigerian dishes. Nigerian food is healthy and flavorful and is something that every foodie should try.

Food #1: Jollof Rice

One of the most popular dishes in Nigeria is jollof rice. Jollof rice is a dish that is eaten throughout the country and is prepared differently depending on where in Nigeria you are. It is usually prepared with and contains tomato, onions, and peppers, in addition to a unique mixture of spices.

The spices used in jollof rice typically help you identify the region of Nigeria where the recipe you are trying originated from. It is sometimes served alongside prepared meat or vegetables. 

Food #2: Garri

Another food that is popular throughout the country is garri. It is a staple food in the country. It is made with cassava, a tuberous root that comes from tropical trees and is starchy.

The cassava is peeled, washed, and ground up. Then it is drained of all water and moisture and fried in a hot pan. It is eaten as a part of larger meals.

Food #3: Pounded Yam

With pounded yam, the yam is first boiled so that it is soft; then, it is pounded up into a mash. Pounded yam is often served on its own and is sometimes also added to various Nigerian soups.

Food #4: Egusi Soup

When it comes to soup, you are going to want to try Egusi soup. It has a unique and fluffy texture that makes this a very special delicacy in Nigeria. It is a hearty soup and often contains vegetables, fish, and red meat.

At the heart of egusi soup is processed melon seeds, which contribute to its unique texture. It is often served alongside both garri and pounded yams.

Food #5: Akara

Akara is a deep-fried been dish. The beans are soaked so that the skin on the beans can be removed. Then the soft interior of the beans is mashed up and deep-fried. Every cuisine needs some deep-fried foods, and Akara is that food in Nigerian cuisine.

Food #6: Pepper Soup

Pepper soup, as expected, has a strong pepper flavor to it that leaves a spicy aftertaste. It is usually made with beef, chicken, or fresh fish. It is considered a bar food and is usually served along with a large glass of beer. It has a refreshing aroma and is comfort-style food.

Food #7: Beans and Plantain

Beans and plantain is a common dish that many Nigerians eat every day, and it is a hearty and tasty dish as well. Beans and plantains are combined to create a porridge, with other spices added to enhance the dish's flavor and quality.

There is much variety within Nigerian cuisine. If you want to expand your food horizons, visit a Nigerian restaurant and try a sample of as many foods as possible.
